The following Projects have been undertaken for actual field implementation of the EMP as an expert in the field of Environment consultancy.
Seagram Distilleries (P) Ltd. is an alcohol manufacturing unit. The unit is located at Kadwa Mhalungi, Tehsil Dindori, Dist. Nashik (Maharashtra). The production of alcohol is started initially using malt as a raw material for fermentation by M/s Oceanic Distilleries and was taken over by M/s Seagram Distilleries (P) Ltd. Inthe the year 1999. It is now being operated as a Grain-based distillery. The grains being used are Sorghum, Rice, Maize, Barley, Rye, Millet, and other starchy material. Anacon Laboratories extended its services to M/s Seagram Distilleries for environmental planning and management of pollution control strategies during the manufacturing of the alcohol by the above process. The expertise extended by Anacon Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.covered following environmental issues :
Conversion of suspended particulate(organic biomass in the spent wash) to Animal feed. The spent wash containing organic biomass / unutilized grain, protein, nutrients & yeast is centrifuged & wet grain cake is removed from the dried plant. The liquid portion containing dissolved and suspended solids are evaporated to a thick syrup in multiple effect evaporator. The wet cake and syrup are mixed together and fed to the dryer plant to produce cattle feed.The feed is rich in nutrients and proteins and sold. This finished by-product is called a Distiller ‘s Dried Grain & Solubles (DDGS).
Anacon Laboratories suggested that the treated secondary effluent after could be utilized in Cooling Tower after Tertiary treatment. Tertiary treatment facilities are installed at Seagram and treated water is reused.
The pollution load was assessed in respect of wastewater generated by Anacon Laboratories to change over the raw material for the enhanced production of Alcohol i.e. from Malt to Grain-based. The comparison of pollution loads was assessed between vermiculture Biotechnology and conventional secondary ETP. MPCB has issued “No increase in Pollution Load” certificate to Seagram.
Sagar Industries & Distilleries Pvt.Ltd has installed a molasses-based alcohol distillery unit at village Dayane Shivar P.O. Paragon, Tal.Chandwad, District – Nasik, Maharashtra State. Molasses are used as a raw material which is fermented in the presence of yeast producing alcohol as the end product along with other by-products. Anacon Laboratories has extended its services to M/s Sagar Distilleries for environmental planning and management of pollution control strategies.
Wastewater management: The utilization biogas generated from UASB System for boiler has been suggested by Anacon. The scheme has been implemented.
M/s Sager Distilleries established R.O. plant. The detail was worked out by Anacon for utilization of R.O. treated wastewater in the process, thus the 50-60% of the fresh water is conserved.
M/s Sager Distillers is availing the expertise of Anacon Laboratories on treated wastewater utilization for agricultural.
Evaluation And Upgradation Of Existing Effluent Treatment Plant At Force Motors Ltd.Pithampur M.P.
Anacon Laboratories has extended its services for Upgradation of existing ETP. The studies were undertaken for evaluation of the various units of the ETP and the recommendations were made for appropriate modification
Evaluation And Upgradation Of Effluent Treatment Plant At Bhansali Polymers Ltd.Boregaon M.P.
Anacon Laboratories has extended its services for Upgradation of existing ETP. The problem of sludge generation has been worked out by optimizing the chemical used in ETP, which has ultimately resulted in a reduction of sludge quantity.
Water Budgeting And Feasibility Report On Wastewater Treatment To Meet The Requirement Of Cooling Tower Make Up Water At Prakash Industries Ltd., Champa Chhatisgarh.
Anacon Laboratories has extended its services for Budgeting of water resulted in streamlining the water requirement in the plant, which has resulted in the recycling of treated water as cooling tower make-up water.
The ANACON team is here to help with all your questions – get in touch!