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Need Of Biodegradable Testing Labs In India

Need of Biodegradability
  • Any Plastic is versatile and in most cases durable. Our dependability on plastic items is so much so that it seems difficult to imagine our daily lives without plastic. However, the plastic we use has a downside, which is that its use directly impacts the environment. Since plastic takes centuries to break down naturally, a sudden surge of boycotting plastic has been seen growing amongst the environment-cautious people.
  • With the growing concern of the ill-effects of plastic, a lot many people have become mindful of its usage; this caused advancements towards the manufacturing of biodegradable plastics. The popularity of ‘biodegradable plastics’ made people inclined towards it and started perceiving it as a great, eco-friendly alternative.
Need of Biodegradability
  • To make people more and more aware of the downside of the plastic, biodegradable plastic manufacturers have exposed us to a lot of campaigns that talk about the advantages of eco-friendly plastic. Due to the rise in awareness, a good percentage of people are opting for these plastics. Therefore, the manufacturer has to ensure that their biodegradable plastic product matches with the buyers’ or retailers’ demands- as well as the environment’s demand.

What Is Biodegradable Testing

Compostability & Biodegradibility
  • For biodegradable plastics to meet the needs of growing consumer awareness, it has become important for the manufacturers to clearly label the materials they have used in it.
  • The test ensures the product’s composability and biodegradability, and assures being evaluated by a third-party certification body. From a manufacturer or retailer’s standpoint, testing boosts buyers’ confidence, thus increasing product sales.

Biodegradable Testing Services At Anacon Laboratories

Anacon laboratories provide detailed analysis of compostable additives, intermediates, materials, and products. We comply with the defined standards and requirements that are required for the testing and certification of biodegradable plastics. We execute the following tests-

Biodegradability testing as per ISO:17556 [2019]

Compostability as per ISO 17088 [2012]

Nutritional Testing

Why Choose Anacon For Biodegradable Testing

  • Anacon Laboratories offers the best and most trusted biodegradable testing services in India. We have been operational in the testing industry for almost three decades, and our uncompromising work ethos and diligent team are to be credited for this long and impeccable journey. We follow stringent guidelines set by the regulatory bodies to deliver flawless test results.
  • Our team takes into account every tiny detail, and we have set in place state-of-the-art technology in our laboratories. We understand the importance of biodegradable testing, especially in this time and age where the usage of plastic is seen to be increasing in multifold. And that is why we ensure there are no stones left unturned to get you the most detailed, relevant, and accurate test results in a set timeframe.


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