Need For Sewage Water Testing Labs In India
What Is Sewage Water Testing
The process of monitoring household wastewater for harmful chemicals and viruses is referred to as sewage water testing. Testing of household wastewater or sewage water is important in setting up a guideline for later treating this water. And needless to say that treating the sewage water is primary in preserving the environment, water bodies, and health of the public. The different types of household sources of sewage water are incinerating toilets, composting toilets, and septic tanks. We will now be enlisting some of the key aspects for which the sewage water testing is performed.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
This value helps to figure out the amount of dissolved oxygen that will break the organic material present in the water.
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
It provides the amount of oxygen required by the bacteria present in the water sample.
Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
This value specifies the amount of decaying matter in the sample.
The pH value helps to decide if the sample is acidic or alkaline.
Parameters Tested For Sewage Water Testing At Anacon Laboratories
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)
This value determines the amount of oxygen that the bacteria present in the water sample requires for breaking down organic material. A high value of BOD5 implies that the oxygen available for the aquatic organisms will be sparse, and can cause their extinction. Therefore testing sewage waters for BOD5 is crucial.
Suspended Solids
This parameter measures the amount of organic (fats, paper, etc) and inorganic (sand, plastic, etc) solid material present in the sewage. Excessive suspended solids can have dire environmental impacts and need to be treated appropriately. A high value also calls for clearing of the sludge in the tank.
Thermotolerant coliforms
These are a group of bacteria that are present in the fecal matter and are indicators of fecal contamination of water bodies and supply pipes. A value of more than 200cfu/100mL is considered alarming and points out that the disinfection steps are failing to reduce the volumes of infectious bacteria.
Why Choose Anacon Laboratories For Sewage Water Testing